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Over de auteur...
Iman Jacob Wilkens
Iman Jacob Wilkens (1936, Apeldoorn, Holland) is married to Danielle François (a French citizen). He holds a Masters degree in both Political Economy and Business Economics. Specialisation in Public Finance and Development Assistance.From 1969-96 Wilkens was Administrator, OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), Paris. From 1967-68 he was Financial analyst for Eurofinance (a private company), Paris and from 1964-66 he was Economist in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague; Directorate for Foreign Economic Relations.
The author has written on a wide variety of subjects, e.g.:
- The Energy Market in the European Economic Community (in Dutch, 1962);
- The Scope for Economic Development under Islamic Law (in Dutch, 1963);
- Barriers to New Competition in Oligopolistic Markets (master's thesis, in Dutch, 1964);
- World Steel Production (in German, 1964);
- Investing in Developing Countries (for the OECD, Paris) (in both English and French, various issues published during the 1980's);
- Discussion papers on environmental issues (for the OECD, Paris) (in English and French, early 1990's).
Wilkens loves painting, literature (in particular Homer and other classics) languages, (pre-) history, geography, art, sailing, skiing and golf. He travelled in many countries around the world, including the USA, Japan, Indonesia, Senegal etc.
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Titels van deze auteur
Where Troy once stood (hardcover, revised edition 2012)Iman Jacob Wilkens Where Troy once stood (revised edition 2012)
Iman Jacob Wilkens